must , can't , must / can't have , could / couldn't have - تعلم الإنجليزية

 must , can't , must / can't have , could / couldn't have - تعلم الإنجليزية
** نستخدم must لكي نقول أننا متأكدون أن شيئا ما حقيقي .

You have been travelling all day. You must be tired

' Jim is a hard worker .' ' Jim ? a hard worker? You must be
joking . He's very lazy

Carol must get very bored in her job. She does the same thing
every day

** نستخدم can't لكي نقول أننا متأكدون أن شيئا ما ليس ممكنا .

You've just had lunch. You can't be hungry

Brian said he would definitely be here before 9.30. It's 10 o'clock
now and he's never late. He can't be coming

They haven't lived here for very long. They can't know many people

** عند الحديث عن الماضي نستخدم must have و can't have + تصريف ثالث

The phone rang but I didn't hear it . I must have been asleep

I've lost one of my gloves . I must have dropped it somewhere.

Tom walked straight into a wall .He can't have been looking where
he was going

Jane walked past me without speaking. She can't have seen me

** يمكن استخدام couldn't have بدلا من can't have

She couldn't have seen me

Tom couldn't have been looking where he was going

** نستخدم could have + تصريف ثالث للأشياء التي كانت ممكنة ولكن لم تحدث

Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York ?
You could have stayed with Barbara.

Jack fell off a ladder yesterday but he's all right. He's lucky – he
could have hurt himself badly

The situation was bad but it could have been worse

I was so tired . I could have slept for a week

*** أمثلة أخري علي ما سبق :

That restaurant must be very good . It's always full of people

That restaurant can't be very good . It's always empty

Ted isn't at work today. He must be ill

Ted wasn't at work last week. He must have been ill

The jacket you bought is very good quality. It must have been
very expensive

Bill passed the exam without studying for it. The exam can't
have been very difficult

Why did you stay at home yesterday? You could have gone
to the cinema

He couldn't have driven his aunt to the airport because his car
had been stolen

He couldn't have repaired his mother washing machine because
he doesn't know anything about machines
Samy Souhail
بواسطة : Samy Souhail
أول تجربة له كانت سنة 2010، حيت أنشأ مدونة سامي سهيل كأول موقع ويب عام يضم مواضيع حول شروحات الحاسوب وبرامجه وكذا كيفية تطوير المواقع الاكترونية وفهم تطبيقات الهاتف الذكي وكل ما يتعلق بأمن الحواسيب الشخصية والاجابة عن أغلب الأسئلة التي يصادفها المستخدم العربي في شتى المجالات المعلوماتية.